One drawback of an online class is that students will need to gather all of their own materials.
The good news: you will probably find that you have most of these items already. I’ve also put together a few handouts/tutorials on how to make some of the tools yourself with tips on how to repurpose household items for papermaking.
Because some items may be difficult to purchase due to current complications with global supply and demand, the list is organized into essential and non-essential items. Of course, this is somewhat subjective . With that said, there are specific tools and materials you will definitely need but even some of those can be substituted. If you can source the non-essential items easily [and cheaply], it’s a good idea to have them on hand. If they are hard to find, gather what you can; you can always try to obtain them at a later date. If you have trouble obtaining specific items, feel free to contact me for ideas about potential substitutes.
You’ll notice that for some items, I’ve included a suggested source or vendor, most of which are in the U.S. This is just for reference so you can see the product and know what you are looking for. I’ve tried to provide sources in other countries/continents when possible.
Online Work
Comfortable study area [chair or desk] for reading/listening to tutorials
A computer with Adobe Acrobat software to read print & written materials
Internet connection to access the online teaching website with the following:
Ability to live-stream video
The latest version (or the one before that) of Microsoft Edge, Firefox, Safari, Chrome, or a modern mobile browser such as Mobile Safari
The latest two versions of Windows or Mac operating systems, or an iPhone or Android smartphone.
The class will be taught with Ruzuku, an online classroom interface that requires a modern browser. If you're using an iPad or iPhone, only the latest versions of Safari support webinars. NOTE: If you're not sure if your browser is the latest, please use this link:
General Work Space
Source for cool, clean water
Two sturdy waterproof work tables [good size: 2.5 X 6 feet X 31 inches [61 X183 X 80 cm]
Note: a couple of sawhorses with a board placed across the top works well
Work space with access to a sink [or hose] and cement floor is ideal. However, a kitchen, basement, garage, or outdoor space will work fine
Comfortable chair or stool for studio work and a good source of light
A refrigerator for storing unused pulp
Materials for Harvesting Kozo
(If you are not harvesting your own kozo, you can skip this section)
Highly recommended [to protect your head, body and feet!]: hat, long-sleeve shirt, long pants, closed-toe shoes/boots and camera for documenting process
Sickle, pruning shears, pruning saw or loppers [or equivalent]
vehicle for transporting
Essential Materials for Papermaking
2-4 pounds [1-2 kilos] UNSCRAPED kozo bark
1 to 2 pounds [450 – 900 grams] SCRAPED kozo bark [also known as “white” bark]
More about fiber: if you would like the experience of working with the raw fiber, which involves soaking and scraping it before cooking--all of which is covered in this class--I have a limited amount of Florida kozo for sale grown in my front yard as well as harvested locally. FYI - Two pounds of unscraped fiber will produce one pound of scraped fiber for papermaking.
Carriage House Paper is a great resource for kozo fiber: They sell several different grades/qualities
Sugeta papermaking mould – for beginners, no larger than 11 X 14 inches [28 X 36 cm]
This can be purchased or you can make your own using instructions provided. See supplier list and/or handout for making DIY sugeta. These can sometimes be found on ebay.
Carriage House carries a beginners kit:
I also have a limited number of student sugetas that I’ve made. Contact me -
100 grams of synthetic formation aid [also known as neri]
Carriage House Paper -
Hiromi Paper, Inc. -
450 g [1 lb.] Sodium carbonate (Na2CO3) [aka washing soda] – This is NOT baking soda.
Carriage House -
2 Vats for soaking bark and sheet formation: large plastic tubs 20 X 25 X 8 inches tall [50 X 63 X 20 cm]
(~20 gallon / 75 liters) are ideal or slightly larger works well. NOTE: a bathtub can be used for the soaking portion but not sheet formation –
Wool felts or cut up wool blanket pieces — at least two; four is better [16 X 20 inches / 41 X 51 cm]
Large cooking pot — 16- to 20-quart (or 20-liter) stainless steel cook pot with tight-fitting lid is ideal and can be used for both steaming bark off the cut branches and cooking the fiber. A 12- to 16- quart [11-15 liters] cooking pot with tight-fitting lid will also work for smaller amounts. IMPORTANT: If you can’t find stainless steel cook pot, enamel pot will also work. It CANNOT be made of aluminum as it reacts to soda ash
Cook stove for steaming/cooking fiber - Outdoor propane burner or single electric burner OR indoor stove can be used for small quantities
NON-WOVEN & NON-FUSIBLE heavy-weight cloth interfacing [aka felt alternative]
20 to 30 pre-cut sheets [16 x 20 inches / 40 X 50 cm]
Wooden mallet or beating stick ~36 inches long x 2 in wide x 4 in tall [91 X 5 X 10 cm]
These can easily be made DIY [See handout about this]
Hook Pottery Paper sells these:
John Sullivan sells nice mallets:
5-gallon [16-20 liter] buckets – 2 will work; 3-4 buckets is better
Painter’s masking tape [preferably colored tape that shows up well]
Mixing stick — wooden dowel or kozo stick — 36 inches long X ¾ inch diameter [91 X 2 cm]
2 Wooden Pressing boards [plywood sheets work well — 24 X 30 X ½ in [ 61 X 76 X 1.5 cm]
Safety goggles or eyeglasses
1-2 large cellulose sponges – 4-6 in [10-15 cm]
Wooden resting sticks for supporting mould on the vat – 24 x ½ X ¾ inches [60 X 1.25 X 2 cm]
Small sharp non-serrated knife [a scraper, kitchen paring knife or scallop knife]
Gloves, thick mitts
Metal tongs or a long stick for handling steamed wood/bark
Several small buckets or plastic containers 1 to 3 gallon in size [4 to 6 liters]
3– 6 inch [7-15 cm] wide natural bristle brush — good quality and gentle [medium] stiffness NOTE: if bristles are too soft it won’t work; if bristles are too stiff it will tear the damp paper when brushing onto drying boards]
Household spray bottle [36 oz / 1 liter]
Glass, plastic or metal measuring cup [able to measure at least [1 quart / 1 liter]
1-2 large [old] towels for general clean up, etc.
Non-Essential Materials or Tools
Rolling Pin or plastic tube approximately 16 inches long [40 cm] for lightly pressing wet felts, etc.
Gram [or pound] weight scale for weighing dried bark and soda ash
Large plastic trash can — to be used as a paper press – 30-40 gallon capacity [113 - 151 liters]
5-gallon fine mesh paint strainer bag or fine mesh curtain [to use as strainer]
Waterproof apron [optional]
Wooden board for scraping outer bark: 4 X 36 X 1 inches [10 X 92 X 2 cm] – can also be done on a tabletop
3-4 Drying boards [2 X 4 feet / 61 X 123 cm]– Can be any smooth, ‘tight-surfaced’ material such as wood, Plexiglas or glass, stainless sheeting, formica countertop, or similar. NOTE: wood should be clean, smooth and tight-grained such as birch. Interior plywood can be used if sealed with polyurethane and completely dry.
Clothesline or drying rack [for drying bark during various stages of preparation]
Several one-gallon size “ziplock” sealable plastic bags for storing cooked/rinsed pulp s
Waterproof felt-tip marker pen [Sharpie] and tape for labeling plastic bag with pulp
Glass bowl, pan, plastic tray, shallow wash tub or equivalent [12 X 18 X 3 in / 30 X 46 X 8 cm]
Small glass jar [pint] for testing fiber
Thread spool – dark colored thread is best
Plastic sheeting [.5 mil] – 3 x 6 feet [92 X 152 cm] — for protecting work-table and press boards. Substitute: repurposed plastic shower curtain; heavy-duty plastic trash bags